
Tom van Harlingen

Yoga (Vinyasa Style)

Tom has been practicing Ashtanga Yoga since 2004 and leading classes since 2007.  He was introduced to the practice by his sister who wanted him to live a healthier lifestyle.  After 6 weeks of practicing yoga it was ingrained into his routine.  Tom has studied Ashtanga Yoga  under Tim Miller, R. Sharath and Manju Jois.  His  goal is to lead individuals through the Primary practice and help them to build a strong practice and a healthier lifestyle.  He has taken on the role of manager of the Lotus Moon in order to create a space in Mansfield  that is not only dedicated to Yoga but other great fitness classes.



Robert King

Tomiki Aikido     Tai Chi Chuan

Bob became involved in martial arts at age 13. His journey started in the summer of 1968 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He studied Judo for three years and then Shoreikan Goju-Ryu Karate. In the fall of 1976 Bob met sifu William Roe of Wooster, Ohio and began the study of Chinese boxing (gung fu), earning an instructor rank from the Kim-Roe-Jim Internal Boxing Association in 1980. It was while studying the Kim-Roe-Jim curriculum that he began the study of  Tai Chi Chuan and chi gung and developed a continuing interest in personal physical development.

In 1987 Bob started studying Tomiki Aikido in Mansfield, Ohio and earned his first degree black belt in 1990. Currently Bob holds the rank of nanadan or 7th degree black belt from Tomiki Aikido of the Americas and is a shihan with the TAA. He studies and teaches Aikido under Moe Stevens shihan, under Robert Dziubla shihan. He has been actively involved in Kyogi (sport) Aikido competitions for many years, having competed and led teams at national and international events. This dual role of competitor and coach pushed his interest in fitness and conditioning training.

Come train with Bob!!

beeking1956 {at} gmail(.)com


Sharon Bricker, E-RYT 200, YACEP

Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga

Sharon has practiced yoga since 2005. She practices primarily Hatha and Ashtanga styles of yoga but enjoys trying different styles and studying with a variety of teachers. Her initial interest in yoga has grown to a true appreciation of the gifts that yoga offers. Those gifts range from better physical condition to better ability to focus and relax. Sharon also enjoys cycling, spinning, and the outdoors. She feels that the flexibility and strength yoga provides contribute to her ability to enjoy these activities as well as improving the everyday quality of life through a balanced body and mind.

Her appreciation of yoga’s benefits created a desire to share yoga with others. She completed  teacher training in Sagamore Hills, Ohio and is registered with Yoga Alliance as a Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT) and as a  YACEP, Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider. During this training, additional workshops and her regular practice, she has had the opportunity to work with many experienced teachers including Doug Keller, Todd Norian, Rodney Yee, Dr. Ray Long, Leslie Kaminoff, Jason Crandell, and Taylor Hunt.  All of these instructors have been joyfully willing to share their wisdom of the practice and Sharon is so grateful for these teachings which have enabled her to learn and grow.

Sharon believes that every time a person comes to their mat is the opportunity for a learning experience. It may be learning an adjustment for a pose, a more mindful way of practicing, or a deeper way of practicing relaxation. She feels that the practice brings to each individual exactly what they need at the time they need it.

sharonyogaclass {at} gmail(.)com

Carol Brown

Carol Brown is an E-RYT 500 and YACEP, Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher and Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider.   Carol began practicing yoga in 2002 at Ohio Health Ontario Health and Fitness (previously Med Central Mansfield Wellness and Fitness)  with Claudia Cummins. Carol is grateful to her first teacher. 
Carol  completed E-RYT 200 teacher training through Yoga on High in Columbus, Ohio in 2007 and E-RYT 500 teacher training in Mansfield through Yoga on High of Columbus, Ohio 2010.  Carol is grateful to her teachers at Yoga on High including Marcia Miller, Linda Oshins, Martha Marcum, Gayle Skye, Crystal Fauber. Carol has completed teacher training with renowned quest teachers at Yoga On High including Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman Yee, Amy Weintraub, David Swenson,  Maty Ezraty,  Roger Cole,  Doug Keller,  Cynde Lee.   Carol attended additional training with Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten and restorative with Judith Hanson Lasater at  in Yellow Springs,  Ohio and Anusara with Todd Norian near Cleveland. Carol completed certification as a Yin Yoga Teacher in 2015  through Aura Wellness Center in Attleboro, Massachusetts.  The program was a  300 hour teacher training of yin yoga -the quiet practice. Her unique focus in this study was the application of Yin principles and aspects of meditation as the practice of choice for students following  heart surgery.
Carol has trained as a Silver Sneakers Instructor and completed 1st Level Veterans yoga training through the Warriors at Ease program.

Carol  has completed significant hours of practice and training in meditation and mindfulness through The National Institute for Clinical and Behavioral Medicine (NICABM)  with Dr. Ronald Siegel of Harvard University in Massachusetts. In 2015, Carol  completed practice and course work to be certified as a  Meditation teacher (CMT) through Aura Yoga.

Additional  Studies.  Carol is currently studying for a certification in Yoga Therapy through Aura Wellness  with specific inquiry into:
* yoga for Bone Health through weekly practice of yoga poses for bone health at Ohio Health Ontario and study of readings and research of Loren Fishman,  Mary Pullig Schatz, M.D., Ohio Health, Mayo Clinic,  Cleveland Clinic, New York Times, etc.
* yoga for Healthy Back through weekly practice of poses in Yoga for Healthy Back classes at Ohio Health Ontario Health and Fitness Center  and study of research with Lucas Rockwood, Robert Benson, Justine Shelton at Yoga Vista,  Groker, Yoga RX by Larry Payne Ph.D and Richard Usatine , M.D. , and others
 * yoga and the Pelvic Floor with planned training and  practice, study and research through located north of San Diego in California, Iyengar and others.
*yoga  practice for students Heart Disease and Post Heart Surgery with continued study application of yin yoga principles to heart patient recovery and rehabilitation through practice, research and resources of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Center, Mayo Clinic, Ohio Health, Nischala Joy Devi,  Timothy McCall, M.D., Dean Ornish, M. D., Iyengar, Rodney Yee, Yin Yoga masters  and others.

cbrown {at} richnet(.)net

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